Wildly Mental (WM) means a few different things and it changes as I grow. There’s the obvious link to mental health but this is truly about embracing your struggles and allowing yourself to see the beauty in the struggle. It’s about being unapologetically yourself, letting yourself be wild! Free of expectations. It’s about finding freedom, whatever that means to you. And having the courage to chase all your dreams.
This idea truly started (conceptually) about five years ago (2015) when I fell apart.
I have had depression since I was about 9 years old. I didn’t know it then, but it has been a life long struggle. It wasn’t until I was in university and between the stress of a full course load, a job and my mental struggles; I fell apart. I am talking barely functional, ball of snot and tears, red-eyed and completely within myself in a very bad way.
Do you know that saying, “At rock bottom is where you can build the strongest foundation.”, that is where I was.
I think the biggest lies we tell ourselves and each other is that we deserve a better life, or we should just be happy, or that we are given this hand, and now we are stuck with it. It’s complete bull-s#!t. We don’t deserve anything. But we also aren’t stuck with the hand we are dealt.
The missing peice that few people actually want to admit to themselves is that we really can change our lives, we just have to work for it.
It was at this rock bottom point that I decided to start putting in a serious effort to improve my life and mental state.
This is when Wildly Mental really started. I began the trial and error process of finding my own road map to peace. I was so far in and had to dig myself out of such a horribly deep hole.
I found that communicating about my struggles, realizing that I am not alone, and connecting with others who were also working to heal, helped. However, I found it very hard to discuss my challenges with family. They just didn’t seem to understand. It seemed that no matter what I said or how much they cared, they hadn’t experienced it so they couldn’t fully comprehend why I would start crying at a family dinner.
And so, I wanted to create a safe space that allowed for that connection. A place that I wish I would have had when I was first starting that traitorous climb out of my self made hole. A place where people who were farther along this journey than I was could share what they tried and what worked for them. But also a place where concerned family could learn.
Now I am not naive enough to think everything I did (and am still doing) will work for everyone, but it is a place to start. It is a loving hand cheering you on. It is a proud friend and an encouraging voice.
I’m still on my own path, I am not a doctor, but I am experienced.
I am hoping that my stories, my life and my insight can help you through your journey or help you understand the journey of a loved one.
As I sit here now, I can add to this, that I am now on a journey of climbing up a mountain to what I hope is massive success. I have been out of the hole and contemplating my next move for a while now. So as I strive to achieve, I aim to also share that journey. Life is beautiful; and when we can come such a long way with the right support.
Here’s to the future!